Mears, Leon A's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Rice Consumption Characteristics Influencing Rice Marketing in the Philippines1971
2.Comparative Economic Analysis of Low-Lift (Surface) and Tubewell Irrigation Projects in the Philippines1968
3.A Rational Rice Price Policy1971
4.Problems of Equating Rice Demand and Supply in the Philippines in the 1970's1967
5.Suggestions for Strategy to Increase Agricultural Production and Yields in Indonesia1967
6.Relationship of Rice Marketing to Rice Production in the Philippines1971
7.Rice and Corn Consumption Statistics1971
8.Finance and Credit Associated with Rice Marketing in the Philippines1971
9.Economic project evaluation with Philippine Cases1969
10.Suggestions for a Strategy to Increase Agricultural Production and Yields in Indonesia, from National Academy of Science-LIPI Workshop on Food1968